Weekly Sharings

Ozark Scenes and SeasonsBackground & Goals:

Always a photo! Always something more!

That’s the way we started back in June, 2014!!  And it’s still true!!  But we’ve grown, added some things, learned a lot, and gotten a little clearer about our goals since then. Let’s review and update!

In August, we added the Wild Cards! section, and it seems this has been a hit!  This section is designed to try to give more content – and options – to the Sharings, but also to try to keep thing streamlined.  All the Wild Card selections are connected to links, with a brief teaser.  So, if you want to see more, you can.  If you want to ignore that, you can!  🙂

And we’ve gotten a little clearer with our goals for the Photo/Sharing Mailings each week!  Our overall goal – whether it be a photo, a rotating regular feature, or a Wild Card link – is to brighten up subscribers’ Mondays (or whenever they read them)!!  If you want to glance at the photo and move on, fine!  If you want to spend more time elsewhere exploring links, fine!  Or any combination!  Whatever your choice, we hope a smile is added to your Monday/week, and you leave the mailing with renewed energy for what lies ahead!  🙂  Some of our links require some using of – or food for!- your brain, which they say is good for you.  So, it appears we’re prolonging your life as well!!  🙂

Over the months, we’ve discovered patterns to what readers like:  Cartoons (added in early ’15), Krazy Pics, and even Brain Teasers (!) are almost always successes!!  Other features are enjoyed too, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, and we love to see you smile!!  We are ALWAYS looking for suggestions, so if you have ideas, contact us!!

Weekly Sharing Format:

For new subscribers – or by way of review for old-timers, the Sharings follow a regular monthly format, as follows:

Each week there will be (at least) one of my photos. These will come from one or more of my three (3) collections: 1) Ozarks Scenes and Seasons, 2) Maine to Alaska, and 3) Across the Pond. I hope you’ll like them.

With that Photo will be two main other sections:

1.  Rotating Content Feature. These topics will cycle each week of the month, as follows :

  • Week 1: Guest Voice.  A sharing of some kind from a guest.  May be (and have been!) a VARIETY of different things, but all are designed to let the writer’s ‘VOICE’ come through in some kind of special piece.
  • Week 2: It Could Be Verse! Nonsensical little rhymes that sometimes pop into my head, almost written. Hopefully they will provide a smile – or at least a groan – for that week.
  • Week 3: Aunt Edna’s Wisdom.  Aunt Edna herself is fictional, but these quotes are definitely real – and often hilarious. They are provided – unintentionally – by a member of our extended family, who has good-naturedly agreed to having them shared in this anonymous fashion.
  • Week 4: Math is Not a Four-Letter Word!  Lots of options here: Sometimes a beautiful mathematical or numerical oddity, sometimes a ‘mathy’ quote,  occasionally a tidbit from the life of an interesting or weird mathematician. All designed to help put ‘math’ and ‘fun’ in the same sentence!
  • Week 5: Who Knows?  In months where we get 5 Mondays – anything could happen!!  Recently these Mondays have featured a much longer Wild Card section.  Any suggestions or preferences?

2.  Wild Card Section

A collection of 5 or 6 other choices of links to follow for more fun things.  These could be a second picture, a set of brain teasers, a KRAZY PIC, a quote, a fantastic fact, a video, a survey, and on and on.  Whatever strikes me that Monday (and/or is sent along by subscribers!)