Today’s date (7/28/14) is (numerically) special – for several reasons:

1.  Each year, July 28 (7/28) is the last day of the year year where the Day # (28, in this case) is four times the Month # (7, in this case).  (There are only 7 of those each year! *)


2.  Today (7/28/14) is the last day this year where all three numerals (month, day, and year) are each multiples of 7.  There are/were only FOUR of those this year* (and there haven’t been any others since ’07!), and only TWO of those where the month/day/year are all different, as well !!*
*  Can you name all the dates in question?

Bonus Tidbit:  

28 happens to be what is called a perfect number.  The factors of 28, not counting itself (1,2,4,7,14) all add up to 28.  This is a rare phenomenon (hence the name ‘perfect’ :-)), and there were only four such numbers known to the ancient Greeks.  Even now, there are less than 50 of these numbers that are known – most of them VERY big! 

* (Added on 12/29/14)  These four were/are 6, 28, 496, and 8128.

(EXPLORE:  There is one perfect number LESS THAN 28 !  Can you find it?!?)

If you have answers to any of the above questions, and are so inclined, feel free to share them (use the Contact Form on the website, or reply to your Weekly Sharing e-mail).  We’ll share answers and respondents in a future Sharing.  🙂