Math is Not a 4-Letter Word! – 2/23/15

Mathematics and . . . . . POETRY?!?!

It’s quite likely you believe that mathematics and poetry are about as opposite as left brain/right brain, Democrat/Republican, priest/atheist, or any other of any list of opposites you can supply.  If so, this little tidbit may surprise – indeed confound – you!  It’s actually in the form of a quiz, but don’t let that scare you – it’s just the format used.  You’ll find a list of actual verbatim quotes from real historical figures. (Names withheld until next week, as that might give some of them away.)   See if you can determine whether the person is speaking of math or poetry.  Most of us will be lucky to get over half of them right.  🙂   It seems that mathematicians and poets think of their craft – their ultimate goals – in very similar terms!!  Who’d’ve thunk?!  See Math and Poetry.

Answers (and quote authors) next week.