Wild Cards! – Oct 2, 2017

Apparently, the Krazy Pic Theme today is water-slides:

Krazy Pic 1  Dog wants to join fun.  Dog wishes he hadn’t.  Dog sets distance record.

Krazy Pic 2  Things started bad for this guy, and went south from there.   No water-slides were hurt in the filming of this incident. [There is NO truth to the rumor this is me, though I can see why one might think that]. 

Blast from the Past #1  Remember Aunt Edna?!?  Here’s the nugget of wisdom she had for us in June ’15

Blast from the Past #2  Remember It Could Be Verse?!?  Here’s one of my favorites, posted in April ’16.

Stop the Presses!  Just sent to me this weekend, and it’s hilarious, so I’m throwing it it:  God’s Plan for Aging.    (Thanks to brother-in-law Carl Garrett.)

October Birthdays  Here is our list of known subscriber birthdays for October.  Please let us know if you should be on this list.  

Back to the Future  How do we prepare our students to learn the skills they need for their future professions, and still allow them to make the necessary mistakes that allow them to learn those skills in the process?  Some follow up thoughts to the last blog.  Today’s column in the Springfield News-Leader.