October Notes and Updates

As we move into the Fall, here’s a quick look at some updates and notes:

1.  Back to the River  I leave to head north again later this week – probably on Friday.  I’ll be gone 10 – 12 days, and will focus mostly on the Dakotas, as I revisit old friends and familiar places – and try to sell some books!  For those that might be interested, here is my Fall ’17 River Schedule.

2. October Mailings  As you’ve experienced, River blog timings are unpredictable, so I won’t try to guess, but I suspect I’ll manage to get at least one or two sent out in early/mid October.  After I return this time (around the 18th?), there will likely only be ONE ‘regular’ mailing, either on the 23rd or 30th.  I’ll keep you posted on schedules into November and beyond.

3.  Is that Christmas around the corner?   As you begin to think about Christmas presents for your friends and loved ones, can you guess what I might be recommending?  🙂  Keep the idea of a Rollin’ Donw the River in the back  of your mind and watch for upcoming special editions, discounts, and more!