Wild Cards! Dec 11, 2017

Krazy Pic 1  If you’re going to exercise, might as well do it with an attitude!!  🙂 

Krazy Pic 2  Is this gymnast trying to emulate Superman?  He may have unduly influenced the judges’ table!!  (It’s hard to know who’s more surprised here!!)

Murphy’s Lesser Known Laws  I found these (and other goodies) in Wolf Point, MT this  summer, and I’m finally getting around to sharing some of them.  Here are some of Murphy’s Lesser Known Laws :-).  I’d heard a variation of all of them, but I particularly like the 2nd one – so true!

Calvin’s Letters to Santa!  These were first shared a couple of years ago, but they make an encore in time for Christmas.  In usual Calvin (& Hobbes) way, these probably form a primer for how not to proceed! 🙂  

Car Raffle Tickets Still Available What better Chrismas present than this red 2012 Chevy Camaro convertible?!  Get your special price today, and help a great cause, as well!!

Here We Go Again!  Once again, a publisher postpones a book release date.  Just last week, I was informed that the release of Spitballs from the Back Row will now be in mid-January!  (Shall I believe it when I see it?)  So on it goes!  If you missed them last week, here are excerpts of some early Reviews of the new book.  Needless to say, there will be more information to come, and special opportunities to get a copy, probably starting in early, ’18, but let me know if you want me to reserve a signed copy for you, – retail price will be about a third of Rollin’, and you will get the best possible deal.

The BROWN SHOES AWARD Missouri’s Governor, Eric Greitens, succeeded in bullying his wishes onto the State School Board.  In this week’s News-Leader column, inspired by an old one-liner from George Gobel, I decided to award him (and others) The Brown Shoes Award.


Quote for the Week

To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

Calvin Coolidge