THANKS for the Responses!

Thanks to some of you, I reached my ‘next milestone’ goal this past week.  Not quite by Jan 31, as I was hoping (I missed by ONE book!), but I went over the top two days later!!  Without the help I received from SIX of you subscribers, I would still not be there. And, while it’s clear I won’t be on the NY Times Best-Seller List soon, I’m pleased with the progress after roughly six months, and a nice chunk of that is due to many of you subscribers!!  THANKS SO MUCH!!

As a combination “Thanks” and “Celebration“, I will offer a quick, lower-key,  February Offer:  Buy a book during February, and take 20% off the price.  (This is TWICE the ‘normal’ AME Discount). (If you already have a book, give one to a friend, donate to a library or school, etc.) Total would be $27.96, plus shipping – which I will help with.  Let me know if you’re interested (respond to this e-mail or use this ContactForm), and we’ll fix you up immediately.