Critical Race Theory: What do you THINK?

Talk about ‘hot-button words’! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much passion (dare I say fear?) generated by such a nebulously defined (at least to me, at this point) topic!  And so, we have our latest controversy in society and in education.
This will not be a column about Critical Race Theory (CRT) itself.  I’m not yet prepared to take a stand on it.  Partly that’s because, as hinted, I still haven’t digested what CRT is intended to be (and to whom), and what the variety of educational ramifications are.  And partly that’s due, in turn, to the fact that there seem to be so many different reasons being given for those who are opposing it, especially in legislatures.  This variety is intriguing to me. And I admit it makes me suspicious.  What’s really going on?
So, instead, I think this will be a column of what I hope are reasonable questions and observations.  I suspect opinions may arise later, but for now, let’s just step back and explore.  And think.
Let me start with what feels like the most ironic opposition talking point I’ve heard so far.  I’ve seen it now from legislators in at least two or three different states.  They state their reasons for opposing it and then toss off this gem: “Let’s teach our kids how to think, not what to think”. 
What a loaded statement!  On the surface, who can argue with teaching our kids how to think?!  If you’ve read the views in this space even occasionally, you’ll know I continually espouse doing exactly that.
But the statement is not only loaded with irony, it creates a ‘false opposite’ or ‘false either/or’ kind of situation which appears to be designed to cleverly reinforce a particular view.  One needs to THINK about that statement!
It’s ironic for several reasons.  One quick example is that it seems, on the surface at least, that the people making that statement are the same breed of legislators who used to (and still do?) demand (indeed legislate) that Creation Theory, for example, be given equal time in science classes.  And for essentially the same reasons they oppose CRT.
And then there’s the ‘false either/or’ situation.  It’s true that we do NOT want to ‘indoctrinate’ students on sensitive societal matters, especially in social, religious and political arenas. That’s a given. And partly we do not want to do that precisely because we want them to learn to think and decide for themselves!  But, isn’t it also true that whenever we teach a ‘fact’, we are essentially telling students ‘what to believe’?!  Do we want students to ‘think’ that the earth is flat, that 2+2 does not equal four, that there are not currently 50 states?
Moreover, arguing against a change is to subtly argue for the status quo.  Either way, we’re suggesting ‘what to think.’
Consider a thought experiment. Imagine a high school social studies teacher who gives the following assignment, designed to encourage student thinking: “Critical Race Theory is controversial topic these days. Explore/research the topic on your own and write your own succinct definition.  In 300 words, summarize the pros and cons of CRT and give your initial opinion.  Be prepared to a) openly discuss this as a class, b) defend your own thoughts, and c) listen to and honor others’ opinions.”
Questions for us, as we close:  A) Would that assignment continue helping students learn to think?  B)  Would that teacher somehow get in trouble – or be criticized – for giving it?  Why or why not?  C)  How far should politicians go in interfering in curriculum matters?

6 thoughts on “Critical Race Theory: What do you THINK?

  1. In my view the people least qualified to decide what/how social studies should be taught are state legislators.

  2. Race relations’ studies should be assigned to history or social studies classes, not science. Slavery began in the “new world” in the 1500s by Spain and in the British Colonies in the 1600s.
    The US legislated slavery out in 1865 and passed Civil Rights legislation to enforce equal rights for all races. History records passed events, but we need to live in the present where no slaves nor slave owners are still with us and the past should not be relived just understood so we can move on.

    1. Hi Dick!
      Who said (whatever CRT is) is ‘assigned’ to science?
      I agree with you – as far as it goes. Of course, there are no slaves or slave owners now, but part of the point is that if we are indeed to “understand, so we can move on”, then moving on MEANS recognizing that the subtle effects of slavery in the form of hatred nd discrimination are indeed still with us, and should be recognized and remedied.

  3. When you mentioned you were suspicious, were you thinking someone/group is purposefully orchestrating an emotional 9but superficial) response to generate a new “enemy”, for the purpose of generating votes?

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