Wild Cards! – Mar 21, 2022

Krazy Pic 1  Living in the hills of the Ozarks, I think I understand this, but I’m still not sure this is the best advice!

Krazy Pic 2  I’m not sure what this guy is pointing at, but I sense there may be trouble ahead?!

3-Second Video of the Week So much happens so quickly!  Just when you’re ready to applaud this feat . . .

Cartoon of the Week  I’d almost forgotten about the Wizard of Id!!  Here’s one of my favorites!

Solutions & Solvers – Again Last time, in the solution to one of the Bonuses, I said something always happened, then gave a nice argument why it would never happen!!  Oh, well, just gives me another chance to post the (updated) Summary.

Brain Teasers  Three new BTs, and a FUN Bonus, taken from an NPR Puzzle.  Hope you enjoy!!

April Birthdays Here’s the list of April Birthdays of Subscribers – at least the ones we know of!

Marilyn, 50 Coins, and Me  This past week, I had occasion to remember my encounters with Marilyn Vos Savant and her articles.  In this column, which first appeared here in Spring 2019, you can join in the fun!

Quote for the Week

“We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.” 

Albert Einstein

Bonus Fun Quote for the Week

“I’m told some people say I’m ignorant and apathetic.  I don’t know and I don’t care”

Variously attributed.