Aunt Edna Returns! – Jan 16, 2017

As some of our pre-River-Adventure regular features begin to return, we get our first 2017 visit from our beloved “Aunt Edna”, who provides real quotes through a fictional personage.  For those of you who are new to Aunt Edna (or just want to visit old remarks), feel free to check either link below for more information.


Telling a family member he/she should get involved . . .

” You don’t have any bones to grind . . .

No, I mean nuts to grind . . .

What is it you grind? “

October 27, 1995

For more about Aunt Edna, visit WeeklySharings and scroll down to Aunt Edna’s Wisdom.
For an archive of previous shared sayings from Aunt Edna, visit AuntEdnaArchives.