Wild Cards! – May 17, 2021

Krazy Pic 1  Guess that makes sense.  Be careful if you try to grab one!

Krazy Pic 2  Who knew?!?  What a coincidence it comes out exactly right!

Cartoon of the Week  Foxtrot almost always makes me smile.  The Sunday column last week (Mother’s Day) cracked me up!  It’s just plain funny anyway, and then when you look closer, it’s even funnier!

Speaking of Mother’s Day! 🙂  Here we are in those weeks between Mother’s and Father’s Day!  Here’s one perspective on the differences in the nature of the celebrations. 🙂

What Tickles Your Fancy?  Progress is a little slower than we were hoping, but we’re still working on some one-shot FUN Zoom classes – maybe once a month?  While the wheels (mental and logistical) are spinning, it might be nice to get  a feel of what might entice you to tune it.  Would you like to hear about Interesting & Weird Mathematicians (And Stories About Them)?  What about Lewis and Clark on the Missouri River?  Or perhaps visual ‘travelogues’ through various countries or regions of our own US?  Take a peek and shoot me your thoughts.

Brain Teasers  Perhaps the first 5 BTs are too easy?  I had THREE complete submissions the first day!  This time we feature two new BTs and a new Bonus!!  Are we having fun yet?  🙂

Technology, Stupidity, and Education  Interesting perspective that trains and telegraphs may have caused as much cultural/social change as some of our technology issues today.  This view, sitting in the middle of a George Will column on stupidity and technology lead to yet another round of thoughts on technology in education. Last week’s News-Leader column.


Quote for the Week

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.

George Will

Aunt Edna’s Wisdom – Mar 5, 2018

While I continue to sort through what direction the Sharings take in the post-River phase, here are some NEW doses of Aunt Edna, for old (and future?) times’ sake!

Reminder:  Aunt Edna segments feature real quotes from an (anonymous) extended family member, put into the mouth of a fictional Aunt Edna.

“Her father was ( . . . ), and she’s not far from the old block.”

Oct 30, 2011

” . . . the pride of our existence, the fruit of our looms”

December 27, 2005



Aunt Edna Returns! – Jan 16, 2017

As some of our pre-River-Adventure regular features begin to return, we get our first 2017 visit from our beloved “Aunt Edna”, who provides real quotes through a fictional personage.  For those of you who are new to Aunt Edna (or just want to visit old remarks), feel free to check either link below for more information.


Telling a family member he/she should get involved . . .

” You don’t have any bones to grind . . .

No, I mean nuts to grind . . .

What is it you grind? “

October 27, 1995

For more about Aunt Edna, visit WeeklySharings and scroll down to Aunt Edna’s Wisdom.
For an archive of previous shared sayings from Aunt Edna, visit AuntEdnaArchives.