About Larry

Dr. Larry CampbellLarry is an officially-retired professor who dealt with mathematics and mathematics education for his entire career!  In a nutshell, he spent 17 years at the School/College of the Ozarks (mathematics in general), 3 years as President of Ozarks Mountain Community Classroom (community education), and 17 more years at Missouri State University (mathematics education and more).  Since official retirement, he served a year as Executive Academic Chair of the College of Education for Aspen University, and currently teaches a Basic Algebra class at Ozarks Technical College.

He loved (and still misses) the classroom, but he has had a feeling that ‘the best is yet to come’ !  🙂  Among the ‘larger’ of those things that lie ahead are as follows:

1.  Ongoing connections to mathematics education through Tutoring Services and Continued Professional Development with classroom teachers.   For more details, see the HORIZONQUEST button in the middle of the Home Page, or the pull-down menu at the top (Services).

2.  Speaking engagements at various civic clubs, PTAs, and other groups around the Midwest.  These can be on a wide variety of topics, from fun and light-hearted, to more straightforward (but accessible) discussions of important mathematics classroom and student issues.  These civic engagements are usually free.  See the HORIZONQUEST button in the middle of the Home Page, or the pull-down menu at the top (Services).

3.  A ‘ramping up’ of his photography hobby, both in terms of products and services.  See Ozarks Scenes & Seasons on the Home Page for more information.

4.   Writing in general, on a variety of topics – some expected, some less so? – and in a variety of forms.  See #5 below, and watch for a few more adventures in the near-future!

5.  A combination of #3 & #4 above in the form of his (FREE) Weekly Photo/Sharings.  Lots of possibilities continue here, and he is enjoying these sharings thoroughly!!  He also hopes you’ll be along for the ride!!  (Sign up on the right.)   See Weekly Sharings back on the Home Page, in two places.