Special (Mathematical) Dates !

Did you notice and/or celebrate earlier this month on Dec 13?  The date was 12/13/14 !  There are only 12 of these ‘consecutive-whole-number’ days each century (!)and this was the last one in most of our lifetimes!!*  (Anyone plan to live until 01/02/03? [That’s 2103, mind you.])

OK, roll your eyes if you want :-).  But these kinds of interesting dates are actually fun for lots of number-types – and not just hopeless nut-cases like me.  (And they can also grab young students’ interest . . . but I digress).

It is my own opinion that every day of the year is mathematically special in some way or other (see #1 below in Wild Cards), but be that as it may, there are a few very interesting days coming up in 2015, including one that arrives only once a century!!  To see a few, visit 2015 Special Days.

* 12/13/14 was the last such day where all three entries are consecutive integers. There are similar dates like 1/2/34 which are also fun, and some of us may live to see those. 🙂