Krazy Pic 1  Too little too late??  I guess we’ve been warned.

Krazy Pic 2  I’ve used this before, but I saw it again recently and decided it needed a rerun.  I love the colors, but what a spooky illusion!  🙂 I’m not sure I could force myself to enter – could you?

Cartoon of the Week  Most of us are old enough to have been here.  Would this have helped?

What is the Tao Te Ching?!  If you have/had never heard of The Tao Te Ching, you’re not alone!  In case you missed it above, here is an overview.  FLASH GIVEAWAY!!  Click the previous link, read the post, and then click at the bottom of that page and you’ll be entered in a FLASH GIVEAWAY for a FREE BOOK – Results announced in the next Mailing (Mar 7)

Brain Teasers Updates   I apologize, The story is too long, but the usual Summary of Solvers and Solutions will have to wait until next time, along with some new Brain Teasers.  In the meantime, take another chance to look at the existing BTs and Bonuses and submit a solution or two (or more!)

March Birthdays Hard to believe it’ll be March when the next Mailing comes around.  Here then are the March subscriber birthdays (that we know of).

Longer School Years? I forgot to check the date, but I think this column was back in 2015 or 16.  A letter to the editor was suggesting (in light of missed school days – and in general) that school years should be longer.  I had sent a response, and then later, edited it slightly and used it for one of my columns:  Lengthening the School Year?


Quote(s) for the Week

“The shoe that fits one person pinches another. There is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” 

Carl Jung

Bonus Fun Quote for the Week

“[Old Western] movie cowboys mystify me – how can they jump off a porch roof and onto a horse, and still sing in a normal voice?”

Bob Hope