Krazy Pic 1  There are a few “language purists” among us, who pride ourselves on proper use of the English language.  🙂  This one is probably aimed at us, but I think all of us will get a smile!

Krazy Pic 2  I got a kick out of this (predicted) graveyard headstone.  Not so much for the epitaph/inscription, but for all the other predicted data.  🙂

Cartoon of the Week  Happy Valentine’s Day, a week early!  Never a dull moment with the Foxtrot cartoon, and here, the Foxtrot dad may be in Valentine trouble.

Cats Hold Blender Hostage?  I’m NOT a cat fan (apologies, as needed), but if you are, you’ll understand this.  And either way, this story will perk you up. 🙂  I saw it a while back, and am amazed how this has gotten a life of its own.  Brighten your day! 

Brain Teasers  We’re now up to 15 Brain Teasers and 3 Bonuses, having added 3 & 1, respectively, this time.  How can you pass this up?  Enjoy!!

February Birthdays Perhaps a little late this month, but here are the known subscriber birthdays in February.  (If you should be on this list, please don’t keep up in suspense!)

Live and Learn – Or Vice-Versa?  How can a brief look from one eighth-grader be so memorable – and so instructive?  An early-career visit to this classroom provided a lesson that stayed with me.  Originally shared in Summer ’16.


Quote(s) for the Week

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” 

Theodore Roosevelt

Bonus Fun Quote for the Week

” I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”

Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) – The Office