Krazy Pic 1  I got a big laugh out of this one, since I know the feeling all too well! 🙁

Krazy Pic 2  OMG !!  Maybe this is a shortcut?  Maybe the driver took a wrong turn back at the last intersection?  Either way, I am NOT buying a ticket for this trip!

Cartoon of the Week  Are you old enough to remember POGO by Walt Kelly?  I have looked for this particular cartoon for years!  I often quote the punchline, but, until last week could never re-find the actual comic that went with it.  (It showed up on Paul Lawrence’s FB page.)  IMHO, one of the classic comic-strip lines of all time!

Ain’t It The Truth?!  I saw this on Donna Majetic’s FB page and, like her, couldn’t stop laughing.  There are 20 Random (Hilarious) Observations here, and I guarantee laughter at a very minimum of 8 of them!!  Enjoy!!  (People seem to be voting on their favorites.  My own is #8 – I hope it’s not true of me, but it struck me as funny.  Feel free to add your own favorite(s) in the Comments!)

More New Years Quotes Stumbled onto this while looking for a “New Years Quote” for the space below. In case you don’t like my choice (or even if you do), here’s a huge selection of others.  Surely you’ll find a favorite there.

Brain Teasers You got a 6 BT head start back in December, and I’ve added two more.  So, you have EIGHT Brain Teasers and TWO Bonuses to start 2022.  Why not resolve to join the fun this year?!

Re-Post: Summary of Solutions & Solvers Unbenownst to me, what I typed for one of the Brain Teasers on the last round was NOT what I thought I typed!  Thus I missed a couple of correct solutions.  That, plus another weird situation with one of the picture BTs (and another typo?) has caused me to re-list the updated Solutions/Solvers Summary  for anyone who’d like to see it.

Birthdays  Now that January has started, we will re-post the known January birthdays of subscribers, as promised last month.  Feel free to update us on your BD, if we don’t have it!

The Decency Paradox (and Education?)  It’s as if the forest is sick, but the individual trees are all healthy. Why does the civility that seems to have vanished in the political and social arenas still seem to be present in individual settings?  Shared here well over 3 years ago, and partially updated for the presentI continue to marvel at this paradox.  Can education help?


Quote(s) for the Week

“The bad news is time flies.  The good news is you’re the pilot.”

Michael Altshuler

Bonus Fun Quote for the Week

“Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.”

Groucho Marx (??)