Krazy Pic 1  I’m gonna guess this might be a husband/wife business, but you don’t often see this combination!!  🙂

Krazy Pic 2  Along those same “crazy combinations” lines, do you wonder about some of this author’s experiences??

Cartoon of the Week  A very recent (week or so?)  version of ZITS, one of my new favorites.  This is all too familiar!   I’ll be sending this to my son! 🙂

My Train of Thought Derailed – No Survivors. 🙂  In the last Mailing (Jan 10), we had some Random (Hilarious) Thoughts. (See them again here.)  Shortly after that, another equally funny set of observations made its way to me from subscriber Linda Hogan.  So, for your laughing pleasure, here are Random (Hilarious) Observations #2.  Enjoy!

Brain Teasers  Four new fun BTs, making an even dozen already for the new year!   Plus two Bonuses.  Grab a pencil and solve some!!

Jan 24 in History  On this day in 1950, Jackie Robinson signed the then-largest contract in Dodgers history.  ($35,000).  See other auspicious occasions for this date, going back centuries.

Chapter and Verse:  A Brother’s Tale from the Past  Childhood memories are almost obligatory at our family’s Siblings Reunions.  I’d never heard the one my brother told on me at this Reunion.  I don’t know if it’s embarrassing or funny (or both), but either way, it got me thinking. This News-Leader column first appeared in  this space in early August, 2019.


Quote(s) for the Week

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” 

Germany Kent

Bonus Fun Quote for the Week

” ‘Be strong!’ I whispered to my wifi signal”
