Krazy Pic 1  Hopefully, this is a spa or something – who says spelling isn’t important?!

Krazy Pic 2  I’m not exactly sure this is a “Krazy Pic” (it might even be a brain teaser?), but I laughed out loud!! You’ll see why I liked it!

Cartoon of the Week  Here is a cartoon bonus, recycled from over 5 years ago.  TWO Geech cartoons. The first is one of my Geech favorites, and the second carries a chance to earn some money for you!

Christmas Orders  Don’t stress with your Christmas list, especially if that list includes a) outdoors/adventure/history/travel types and/or b) teachers or anyone else interested in education.  I will be using a similar promotion again this year, but have updated things to include the lastest Spitballs book, and some new pricing and purchase options!!  Check out the updated 10-15-25 Christmas Simplicity information, and visit the next link if you need reminders of what the available books look like, along with Amazon descriptions.

Men & Women I suspect we’ve all occasionally seen stuff similar to this, but I ran into this and there’s some laugh-out-loud funny stuff here.  And though it’s a little out of date, and a tiny bit irreverant once or twice, it’s those elements of truth that makes it so funny.  It’s long by itself, so I’m splitting it in two:  1)  Are Men Happier People? and 2) Differences: Men & Women.  Double your money back if you don’t laugh at least 3 times in each one.

Brain Teasers Don’t forget these Brain Teasers were extended through November, so you still have time to get in on any and all of the fun!!  Here’s a (very) mini-brain-teaser for you:  This time I added two new BTs, but didn’t type a word! How’d that happen?

November Birthdays  We’ve got a few birthdays in early November, including two today (11/1)!  See those and all the others in our list of known November birthdays.  If you haven’t let us know your birthday, please feel free to let us know!  (We can’t send you a Porsche if we don’t know your birthday!)

Facts, Fears, and Perspectives  The last column I wrote this past summer before my “mini-sabbatical” began [ongoing until at least my newest book is finished]  was on Critical Race Theory.  That continues to be such a divisive topic, that I thought it might be pertinent to re-share it.  I’m not sure there’s anything profound here, but here are those thoughts, entitled Facts, Fears, and Perspectives.


Quote for the Week

“Sometimes the thoughts in my head get bored and go for a stroll out my mouth. This is never a good thing.”

Unattributed, from a FB Page